Web resources semantic search

Web resources semantic search

The VentureWrench project focuses on the development and evaluation of an innovative web semantic search engine for entrepreneurship web resources. It includes a natural language processing and machine learning system that analyzes the content...

Automated Data Acquisition for Heart Failure

Automated Data Acquisition for Heart Failure

This study was realized in the context of the ADAHF (Automated Data Acquisition for Heart Failure) project, a U.S. Department of Veterans Administration (VA) project that aims to automatically extract data for heart failure treatment...

Standard Information Model for NLP

Standard Information Model for NLP

In the context of a “NLP standards” project initiated by the VA and Qing Zheng, with multiple collaborations, and including an “ontology” and an information model, we developed the latter by combining two existing...

Syndrome Surveillance Tools & SEAM

Syndrome Surveillance Tools & SEAM

This project focuses on providing VA clinical research with methods and instruments for syndrome surveillance, on improving detection and mitigation of health problems in deployed veterans, and more specifically on the detection of medically...

Automated EHR text de-identification

Automated EHR text de-identification

The U.S. Veterans Healthcare Administration (VHA) Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research (CHIR) is a multi-disciplinary group of collaborating investigators affiliated with VHA sites across the U.S. In the context of the CHIR, this...

Automated Problem List

Automated Problem List

The Automated Problem List system was developed and evaluated by the PI and Peter Haug in 2003-2005. The goal of this system was to automatically enhance the completeness and timeliness of the medical electronic problem list in the locally...

Clinical documents structure analysis

Clinical documents structure analysis

The structure of clinical documents, and more specifically their sections, have a strong importance when assessing the context of clinical information extracted from clinical documents. For example, a diagnosis of asthma extracted from a...

BMI Sandbox

BMI Sandbox

In the context of a Teaching Enhancement Initiative co-led by Catherine Staes and Stephane Meystre, a “sandbox” with informatics tools and resources for students and faculty to safely play with has been developed at the University...

Colorectal cancer inter-institutional i2b2 hive

Colorectal cancer inter-institutional i2b2 hive

Our work with the i2b2 hive started with a collaboration with the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) NIH-funded National Center for Biomedical Computing based at Partners Healthcare (Boston, MA) to evaluate the...