Keynote at the 2019 HealTAC conference

Stephane Meystre was invited to the 2019 HealTAC conference as keynote speaker. The conference took place in Cardiff, UK on April 23-25 2019. The keynote address focused on “Clinical Trials and Patients Automated Matchmaking.”

n2c2 Shared Task and Workshop 2018

n2c2 Shared Task and Workshop 2018

The 2018 n2c2 shared tasks focused on Cohort Selection for Clinical Trials (track 1) and on Adverse Drug Events and Medication Extraction (track 2). We participated in both tracks, with 28-45 other international teams. For track 2, we obtained...

New grant awarded by NCI

New grant awarded by NCI

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has awarded a new grant (Phase II STTR) for technology transfer efforts focused on “Automated Problem and Allergy Lists Enrichment Based on High Accuracy Information Extraction from the Electronic...

Faces of AMIA features Stephane Meystre

Faces of AMIA features Stephane Meystre

The American Medical Informatics Association features a member they think represents a good example for their membership, as “faces of AMIA“, and in October 2016, it was Stephane Meystre (detailed article here).